Cycle~ 440 is the duo of Sam Gillies and Kevin Penkin. Cycle~ 440 is an improvisational project that explores a shared performance space between traditional instrumentation and laptop processing, fusing acoustic piano with live electronics to create alternating soundscapes of extreme fragility and overwhelming density. Responding dynamically to one another, Cycle~ 440 create works 'in the now', building music from fragments and impulses into fully realised pieces.
In 2015, Cycle~ 440 released the final chapter in the 'Constructions Trilogy', a conceptual recording project that explored a large scale idea-based framework to guide improvised composition. The trilogy began in 2011 with The Geography of Collapsing Structures, a study of deconstructive forces as applied to composition. In 2012, Cycle~ 440 recorded The Cartography of Shifting Planes, an exploration of the musical potential of the line and of constant variation through minimal gestures. Finally, 2015's The Topography of Ascending Frameworks explores the power of growth, utilising musical structures characterised by excessive development and departure.
Cycle~ 440
Cycle~ 440
Cycle~ 440
Cycle~ 440
Cycle~ 440
Cycle~ 440 & Kynan Tan
Cycle~ 440
Lingering Echoes of the Tempest
Cycle~ 440
Pulsing Ghosts
Cycle~ 440
Variations on Shifting Planes V